
5 Ways to Boost Your Home’s Mood

By Lisa Lagace

It’s almost cliché to point out how much the state of your home represents the state of your mind. All that clutter in your space can make your life feel chaotic. So, with the knowledge that our outside world represents our inside world, what else can we do to create a happy, healthy, productive home environment?

Organize It

modd boost your home

A clean and organized home actually does a lot to change our mood and make us feel positive, energized, and happy. Start with the basics. Begin by tossing out any trash or things that are just plain broken. Next, get rid of anything you haven’t used in six months.

Pro tip: Turn each clothing hanger in your closet around so it’s hooked backward. Put a reminder in your phone for six months down the road. In six months donate the items on a hanger still facing the wrong way. If you haven’t worn it in six months, it’s probably time to let it go. 

Then it’s time to do a deep clean. Wash the windows, vacuum the floors, dust, reorganize the closets, get the kitchen and bathroom sparkling again, and refresh your bedroom. Flip the mattress, change the sheets, and enjoy the glory of a clean home, and all the mental clarity it provides.

Fix or Remove Things That No Longer Serve You

Broken desk? Have you been holding onto it with the expectation that you’ll one day fix it? Now’s the time. If you’re not actually going bring it back to working condition—get rid of it. Is your dishwasher leaving spots? Tend to it. Eliminating these daily nuisances is a surefire way to boost your mood. While you’re at it—toss or store other items that no longer make you feel good, like photos of your ex or all the gear you have from a long-lost hobby. Surround yourself with objects that remind you only of all the positive things in your life.

Consider Painting

The color of your walls can have a significant impact on your mood. If you want your home to feel energizing—bright colors like yellow and orange are the best choice. For a relaxing, calming vibe, blues and greens will do the trick. Crisp whites make rooms feel large and airy, while deeper hues lend a cozy feel.

Make Room for Plants

indoor plants better home

Plants naturally purify the air, making them a healthy addition to your home. Bonus: The sense of accomplishment you’ll get from taking care of a living thing may give you a confidence boost. If you’re worried you don’t have a green thumb, consider a succulent (if you have lots of light) or a maranta plant (if you have low light), which require very little upkeep.

Install Filters

Plants help increase the air quality in your home, but an air purifier will ensure any allergies you have are kept to a minimum—these are especially helpful if you have pets and dander is an issue.

Installing a water filter can also increase your health at home. These days, chemicals are regularly pumped into tap water no matter where you live, and while they’re regulated, more and more research is showing how these micro doses can negatively impact our gut health.



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