Why I’m partnering with Purple Carrot

By Aly Raisman

Last spring my mom, sister, and I decided we were going to try eating a more plant-based diet. We watched a documentary on the way some animals are raised for meat consumption, this sparked a conversation about changing what we eat.
I was interested and excited about eating more plants, but also a bit intimidated. I honestly wasn’t sure where to start. Plus, as an athlete, I didn’t know if eating more plant-based would provide enough energy and protein in my diet.
I did some research and learned about Purple Carrot. I was intrigued because the founder is from my hometown in Massachusetts and they work with TB12. I reached out to Purple Carrot to become more familiar with the brand and explore potential partnership opportunities. We quickly realized our goals are aligned and this really natural, organic partnership formed. I get Purple Carrot meals delivered every week and absolutely love it. They make eating more plant-based easier for me and my family, and cooking has become a fun activity for us to do together. The recipes are always new and unique. Sometimes when I love a recipe, I will remake it for friends or for myself. I’m also trying all these different vegetables and spices I never knew about. I love learning about food from around the world.
Eating more plants is still a big change for me and I’m constantly learning. This is where Purple Carrot has been really helpful to me. The team supports my interest in finding a balance and eating the things that will help me be my best. Some days, I’m more vegetarian than plant-based, other days I still crave non-plant foods and I eat them. Especially when I travel, eating plant-based is harder. I’ve found packing snacks and putting them in my bag really helps when I find myself in an airport with no good plant-based options. I’ve also become obsessed with smoothies, especially in the mornings and when I’m on the go. I make them with almond milk, greens, fruit, and peanut butter then add things like chia, flax, or hemp seeds. I try to add new things each week.
Eating more plant-based is just one of the changes I’ve made this past year. I’ve started incorporating more self-care rituals into my routineI do things like meditate, garden, and keep a gratitude journal; these activities help me find balance. I realized you have to put effort into taking care of yourself in every aspect of your life. Of course, eating and what you put in your body is a big part of that, but focusing on your mental health is critical, too.
Ultimately, I feel better knowing that I’m taking care of my body and mind. Trying to figure out what works best is a constantly evolving journey. It’s all about what works for you and makes you feel at your best!

Want to join Aly on her meditation journey? Check out: